Health providers and health experts are urging Minnesotans to get their influenza vaccine this flu season.
Recently, Allina Health announced that its clinics have the new influenza vaccine available, and patients will need to make an appointment at their clinic to get a vaccine.
According to Allina Health and other health experts, getting a flu shot is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the coronavirus still very active in communities across the nation.
Allina Health infectious disease specialist Dr. Frank Rhame says co-infection with COVID-19 and influenza produces a more serious disease.
Also, since the flu and COVID-19 have similar symptoms, Rhame says it is even more important to get a flu vaccine to reduce the likelihood of needing to test yourself to rule out COVID-19 infection… which will save wasting precious supplies, like tests and equipment needed to carry out the tests.
Essentially, he says it’s one of the easier ways people can contribute to the efforts in combating COVID-19 this year.
An annual influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone six months and older.
According to Allina Health, its vaccine is expected to be effective against the the four most likely strains of influenza this flu season.
While an injectable vaccine is available now, a nasal spray vaccine, called FluMist, will be available for people ages 2 through 49 when those supplies arrive. No exact date was given.
Consult your local clinic for their information on influenza vaccine availability.